Coffee Story

Sourced from the surrounding farms of Haiti’s coffee growing mecca, Thiotte (located in the South East), our bag of BEAUTY is bursting with flavors, personality, and history. As the most mountainous nation in the Caribbean, Haiti has been growing coffee for over 250 years, and even until the mid 20th century, produced a third of the world’s coffee. Today, Haitian coffee is rarely seen on the shelves; but when it is brewed and cupped, its is known for its rich flavor, natural sweetness and low-acidity. Grab a bag and experience “BEAUTY” for yourself.

A winner of Haiti’s Cup of Excellence, we feel that the word “BEAUTY”captures everything about this coffee from Thiotte - what’s inside the bag, where it was grown, and the people who grew it. A true celebration of the beautiful country that is Haiti!

Region: Three Mountains of Mare blanche, Colin & Tete Source (Thiotte, Haiti)
Process: Washed; 3575’ – 3700′, uniform screen size
Varietal: 100% Arabica (Typica, Bourbon, Catura & Catimor)
Elevation: 1,000 - 1,200 MASL

Farmer’s Notes

Farm Gate Price: $3.50-$4 (per lb.)
Farmer Profile (source:


Pastor Molvert was born in Tete Source and is married with 3 children. Coffee farming has a long history in his family, going back generations. He feels fortunate to have been born in a robust coffee area as income from coffee sent him to the university where he studied theology. Along with managing a small community church, Pastor Molvert grows coffee alongside of his father; his father’s coffee won Haiti’s Cup of Excellence in 2015. He feels Haiti has forgotten the importance of coffee but he has hope that it will again provide a path towards autonomy, “From the 60’s to the 80’s, coffee brought in many taxes and built the garment district of Port au Prince. But our government, Haitian coffee companies and farmers all failed to invest in it. Right now, we’re just surviving. With good leaders, we will thrive.”

Read Kok Ki Chante’s article “Meet Tete Source Farmer Co-op, Haiti” here.